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GFID INDIA - International Chamber Of Commerce


  • MP Society Registration (Act. 1973 No. 44) 03/27/01/21857/19 (MSME Forum Established Since-2009)

Some Important Links of GFID INDIA EXPO

Rules And Regulations

Terms of Reference: In these rules and Regulations, the Term “Exhibitor” shall include all employees, staff and agents of participating company, firm or individual to whom space has been allocated.

Rights: The Organisers reserve all rights in connection with the exhibition


a) Booth will be allotted on a first-come-first serve basis

b) Allotment of booth(s) will be made at the sole discretion of the organisers.

c) The booth(s) allotted will be used solely by the participants for display of goods noted in their application form. Sub-Letting of Booth(s) or displaying of goods not covered by the Original Participant, will not be allowed.

Stand Alteration:

a) No alteration to the size or position of an Exhibitor’s Stand is permitted without the prior written approval of Organisers

b) The Organisers reserve the right to modify the layout of booth sites and gangways

c) The Organisers reserves the right to allow Exhibitors to make such alterations to their booths, as to the setting of the exhibits as they reasonably feel necessary to maintain an acceptable standard of presentation or to avoid interference with the displays of other Exhibitors

d) Conversion of an allocated shell scheme site, to free design is not permitted without prior communication and confirmation with the Organisers

e) While reasonable fixings may be made to the flush plywood walls of the shell scheme, no alterations to the fascia structure or format is permitted. Any attempt to do this will involve the reinstallation of the original structure at the expense of the Exhibitor or their Agent

f) Booths may not cross the allotted area, nor are any obstructions permitted on gangways, fire points, extinguishers, or emergency exits

g) Designers have to avoid letting the design of the stall to block or enter the next booth.

Booth Interiors: While the Exhibitors are free to decorate their booths to the best of their ability for projecting the right image for their company and products, they should not cause any permanent damage to the walls, panels and floors through use of nails, hole drills, paintings, glue, non-removable tapes, or any other such activities. If any such activity carried out and permanent damage is caused to the Booth Interiors, then, Exhibitors are liable to pay penalty against the same.

Payment Details: 50% Advance Payment at the time of booking and the remaining 50% before 60 days of the Exhibition. INR 500 per sq.mtr. will be charged for the delay in payment as the penalty after the due date.

Cancellation Charges: If cancellation is done within 60 days of exhibition, the received advance payment will be forfeited.


a) Insurance of the exhibits and the property of the booth will be responsibility of the individual exhibitors.

b) The Organisers shall not be responsible in any way for personal injury to the exhibitor or his staff, agents, invitees or licensees, however caused.

Consequential Loss: In case of the show being cancelled or suspended in whole or in part for the causes that are not in the organiser’s control, the organisers are not liable for any such consequential losses created in such events.

Default on Payments: The organisers reserve the right to cancel any reservation of space in the event of non-payment of participation charges or charges of any additional services/extra furniture hired by the exhibitor.

Space Not Occupied:

a) Every Exhibitor shall occupy the full stand area booked by him.

b) Should an Exhibitor fail to take up the stand allocated to him, the organisers reserve the right to deal with such unoccupied booth as they think fit.

Inappropriate Behaviour: The Organisers reserve rights to take away the possession of the stall from the exhibitors in case of any misbehaviour or use of inappropriate language by any registered members of the stall with either Visitors or the Organisers.

Promotional Activity: The Exhibitors are not allowed to conduct any extra promotional activities like putting up unaccounted banners, standees or any other marketing tool without prior registration with the Organisers. Also, The Exhibitors who have registered for promotional activities can carry out such activities strictly within the terms of Organisers. Any activity carried out without registration or additional to registration, is liable to stopping or penalty or legal action or losing stall possession or any other action which Organisers feel appropriate.

No Sub-Letting: The Exhibitors may not assign, sublet or grant licenses in respect of the whole or any part of the booth. Cards, Advertisements, Printed Materials, Audio, Video, Image or any Individual(s) as representatives of the Person or Firm who are not an original participant with the Exhibition will not be allowed to distribute, promote or brand their product by any such or the other means. Any such occurrence is subject to penalty as organisers feel right.

Security: Although a twenty four hour security service will be in operation throughout the show, Exhibitors should take all possible precautions to minimize the possibility of entry by anyone in their absence or reach to their products by anyone in their booth during and after the show hours.

Failure of Service: The organisers will use their best endeavours to ensure supply of services of the official contractors, but as the supply of such services are not within the contractors, neither they, nor the organisers shall incur any liability to the exhibitor for any loss or damage, if any such service shall wholly or partially fail or cease to be available. Nor shall the exhibitor be entitled to any allowance in respect of rental due or paid under the contract.

Liability: The Company, its Directors, Officials, Employees and Office Holders or its agents, will not be liable in any way for any injury, theft, damage, or any other kind of loss or harm whatsoever occurs as a result of any reason whatsoever that may be caused to person or property while they are present on the area of the exhibition grounds. And, no compensation will be provided for damages due to theft, lightning fire, explosion or rainwater. The Company will not be liable for any losses whatsoever that may be caused to the exhibitors in the event that water or electricity is cut-off or in case of any natural calamity.

Electrical Installation: All On-Site electrical installation must be carried out by the officially appointed electrical contractor before the connection to the mains supply. If any Exhibitor or their designated agencies does any electrical installation without permission from organiser’s contractors, in such case, any damage caused to Exhibitors’ Property will not be a liability of Organisers. Also, in such case, if any damage caused to installation of Contractor of Organisers, then the Exhibitor is liable to pay fixed penalty to the Organiser.

Government Taxes: Government Taxes extra if applicable.

Jurisdiction: Any dispute between the organisers and an exhibitor is subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts in Ahmedabad only.