• MP Society Registration (Act. 1973 No. 44) 03/27/01/21857/19 (MSME Forum Established Since-2009)

Online Advertisement

Online Portal -
Gfid India is india's leading financial information source. We deliver market news, research and analysis, portfolio, advisory service, corporate database.

Online Advertisement Advantages with Us

  • provides advertisers high click throughout from quality audience.
  • Advertising on our portals is the best way to build a connection with this exclusive audience.
  • To ensure you reach the audience that matters most to you, ad space can be reserved on our homepage.
  • Low in cost, Flexible, Powerful.
  • Rich in growth potential.

Advertisement Specification & Rates

Home Page- Top

Top Banner

Home Page- Top

Banner of 468 * 60 pixels pixels_____________________Rs.275/-cpm*

Banner of 165 * 60 pixels pixels_____________________Rs.150/-cpm*

Banner of 130 * 230 pixels pixels_____________________Rs.250/-cpm*

Home Page- Top

Banner of 468 * 60 pixels pixels_____________________Rs.150/-cpm*

*cpm : Cost Per Thousands Impression

If required, we may provide different Position and sizes in our online portals
File Format - gif/ flash

Gfid India Souvnear Advertisement

Gfid India is foremost and largest circulated fornightly finance magazine since 1986. The magazine was a pioneer in rating IPOs on a 100-points scale. It also published India's first Corporate Scoreboard of more than 2000 companies with 25 fields of information for each company, kept updated on a fornightly basis.

Magazine Advertisement Advantages with Us

Address readers who are in the market for the long term and are not fickle minded. They use Gfid India to gather accurates information on companies and also as a guide for value investing. Tell them why your company deserves their attentin and money!

Our Regular Advertisers

Advertisement Specification & Rates

* Advertisement Rates *

Color Black & White
Full Page Rs. 55,000 /- Rs. 45,000 /-
Half Page Rs. 30,000 /- Rs. 25,000 /-
Double Spread Rs. 1,00,000 /- -
Front Inside Cover Rs. 70,000 /- -
Back Inside Cover Rs. 70,000 /- -
Back Cover Rs. 80,000 /- -
Gate Fold Rs. 1,20,000 /- -
Bookmark Rs. 1,00,000 /- -
Strip Ad.(4 * 18 cms) Rs. 10,000 /- Rs. 10,000 /-

Scoreboard Branding
Red & Black (29 pages) + FPC (Full Page Color) Rs. 1,25,000 /-
CMYK (29 pages) + FPC Rs. 1,50,000 /-
Single Strip (12 insertions) Rs. 1,00,000 /-
Single Strip Rs. 2,05,000 /- -

For Magazine special advertising rates and page positions will be provided as per client's requirements and availability of the space
Material Deadline : 7 days before the issue date
Screen Data : Colour 133 LPI
Material Formats : Magazine - cdr / pdf / tiff / eps